Bio Art - Creative Microbiology Research Co-Lab
Ariella Aïsha Azoulay Book Launch
Chant for Disinheriting Apartheid
The Imagined New Thinking Dialogues
The Radical Black Imagination - Prof Anthony Bogues
Reflections on documenta 15
The Imagined New '21
SP/SA | Catastrophe :: Cartography
SP/SA | Sovereignty
SP/SA | Frequencies of Blackness
the Lesser Violence Reading Group '20
JAG Consultations '19
the Lesser Violence Reading Group '19
Curatorial Care, Humanising Practices
the Lesser Violence Reading Group '18
Inhabiting the Frame: Documentary & Subjectivity in the Anti|Post|Colonial Visual Archive
Intimate Archives // Autobiographical Acts
(Re)-Fashioning Masculinities
Archival Addresses: Photographies, Practices, Positionalities
Practice led research writing Roundtable
Whitewash I
20/20 DEFSA Design Vision
Space, Ritual, Absence
On Making
Imaging Ourselves
Johannesburg and Megacity Phenomena
Imminent and Eminent Ecologies
SYM | BIO | ART 2023
Women's Mobile Museum
ghosted matter phantom hurt (and other chimera)
intimate presences/affective absences (or, the snake within)
Black Chronicles IV
Priya Ramrakha | A Pan-African Perspective, 1950-1968
Promises & Lies | The ANC, Exile & the Project of Freedom
The Front Room 'Inna Jo'burg'
The Arrivants
Dear Fusia
Hypersampling Identities
Past Imperfect // Future Present
By the Rivers of Birminam
Lichtenberg Flower and Medusa
Space, Ritual, Absence
Nothing is Missing
The Underground, the Surface and the Edges
TIME’S ARROW: Live Readings of the JAG Collection
The Double Body// being in space
FADA Staff Exhibition 2009
Too Close for Comfort: Belonging and Displacement in the work of South African Video Artists
Cities in Crisis: Photographs of the South African Urban Landscape
Reading the Moment
Alberta Whittle Dec '22
Deborah Thomas Feb '21
M. Neelika Jayawardane Oct '20
Tina Campt Sept '20
Anthony Bogues July '20
Bio Art - Creative Microbiology Research Co-Lab
Ariella Aïsha Azoulay Book Launch
Chant for Disinheriting Apartheid
The Imagined New Thinking Dialogues
The Radical Black Imagination - Prof Anthony Bogues
Reflections on documenta 15
The Imagined New '21
SP/SA | Catastrophe :: Cartography
SP/SA | Sovereignty
SP/SA | Frequencies of Blackness
the Lesser Violence Reading Group '20
JAG Consultations '19
the Lesser Violence Reading Group '19
Curatorial Care, Humanising Practices
the Lesser Violence Reading Group '18
Inhabiting the Frame: Documentary & Subjectivity in the Anti|Post|Colonial Visual Archive
Intimate Archives // Autobiographical Acts
(Re)-Fashioning Masculinities
Archival Addresses: Photographies, Practices, Positionalities
Practice led research writing Roundtable
Whitewash I
20/20 DEFSA Design Vision
Space, Ritual, Absence
On Making
Imaging Ourselves
Johannesburg and Megacity Phenomena
Imminent and Eminent Ecologies
SYM | BIO | ART 2023
Women's Mobile Museum
ghosted matter phantom hurt (and other chimera)
intimate presences/affective absences (or, the snake within)
Black Chronicles IV
Priya Ramrakha | A Pan-African Perspective, 1950-1968
Promises & Lies | The ANC, Exile & the Project of Freedom
The Front Room 'Inna Jo'burg'
The Arrivants
Dear Fusia
Hypersampling Identities
Past Imperfect // Future Present
By the Rivers of Birminam
Lichtenberg Flower and Medusa
Space, Ritual, Absence
Nothing is Missing
The Underground, the Surface and the Edges
TIME’S ARROW: Live Readings of the JAG Collection
The Double Body// being in space
FADA Staff Exhibition 2009
Too Close for Comfort: Belonging and Displacement in the work of South African Video Artists
Cities in Crisis: Photographs of the South African Urban Landscape
Reading the Moment
Alberta Whittle Dec '22
Deborah Thomas Feb '21
M. Neelika Jayawardane Oct '20
Tina Campt Sept '20
Anthony Bogues July '20
Intimate presences/affective absences (or the snake within)
An installation by Leora Farber
8 October - 28 November, 2020
| FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg